Student Voice


Course Representative Resources

The following information is for our student Course Representatives and colleauges at the university who support the system. Through the SU's Course Representative we are able to support students in making sure they have the best academic experience possible, and see positive change passed on to the next years of cohorts. 
For any support with the Course Rep System, please contact our SU Voice Team via


Tools For Students

Becoming a Course Rep

During the initial teaching weeks of your programme, a member of university staff should ask who would like to volunteer for the position of Course Representative. Depending on the number of volunteers, an election may take place where the rest of your cohort will vote on who they would like to represent them. 
If you are struggling to find a staff member to contact regarding becoming a Course Representative, please get in touch with the SU Voice team via who will be happy to support. 

Training for Your Course Rep Role

Congratulations, if you have successfully received the course rep role, it is now vital you undertake your Course Representative Induction Training (CRIT). These are sessions which will equip you with the skills to navigate being a course rep, learn more about how you fit into the universities structure, and how you can make student life better. 
We run weekly CRIT Teams sessions every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm throughout October. You should only attend these if you have been confirmed as the Course Represenative for your course.
We also have on offer the following in-person training sessions available on both campus sites. please sign up for a form of training through the registration form below.


Registration for Training

26/2/2025 - Teams, 12pm - 1pm. 
28/2/2025 - Teams, 2pm - 3pm.
5/3/2025 - Teams, 5pm - 6pm
4/3/2025 - Teams, 12pm - 1pm. 

Reporting Feedback To Your School Rep

A vital aspect of the course rep role is ensuring feedback is being passed on to your School Rep. This ensures that the school rep can address common issues across multiple programmes, and ensures senior members of your school are addressing outstanding issues.
Your feedback doesnt have to be pages along, but give your school rep enough information that they can look to address the issue - they'd also love to hear about any positive aspects of your studies. 
Your school rep contact details are as follows:
CSSHS Llandaff -
CSSHS Cyncoed -

Rewards and Recognition for Being a Course Rep

In recognition of your hard work as a course rep, there are a number of rewards you can receive.
Cardiff Met Award 
The Hours volunteered as a Course Rep, can go towards achieving your Cardiff Met Award. You can learn more about the Cardiff Met Award here 
Credited Towards Your Higher Education Achievement Report 
Your H.E.A.R is a culmination of the extracurricular work you have undertaken during your time with us here at Cardiff Met. You receive this report following the end of your programme and alongside your degree. Your time volunteered as a course rep will also be shown on this report.  
Course Rep Accrediation Scheme.
During your time as a course rep, depening on how much you enagage in the role, you can build up points towards achieving different levels of being a Rep. Following the completion of the academic year, you will recieve a e-certificate from the Students' Union in recognition of your achievement. 
Activity Points
Attend a Course Rep Induction Training 10
Attend both of your Programme Committee Meeting  5 Per Meeting
Attend both of your School Rep Catchup Meeting  5 Per Meeting
Complete both Termly Feedback Forms 5 Per Response
Complete our annual Rep Report Form 5
Attend the Students’ Unions Annual General Meeting  5
Attend a Students’ Union Feedback Forum  5
Fill out a Students’ Union Feedback Form  5
Reward Level Points Needed
Bronze 20
Silver 30
Gold 50
Platinum 60


Finding Your Course Rep

If you would like to find out who your course rep is for your course, you can view one of our spreadsheet's below. You should only be contacting your course representative to pass on feedback surrounding your course. If you have any issues which are affecting your ability to engage in your studies, please reach out to either Student Services, or the SU's Advice team.
These lists will be populated following the 3rd week of teaching.

Removal of a Course Rep

If you are unsatisifed with the performance of your Course Rep,  please feel free to reach out to the SU Voice Team or your School Rep and we will support you with the next steps.

Additional Resources for Course Reps

Programme Committee Guidance and Terms of Reference Cardiff Met Student Charter Jargon Buster - Understanding Uni Acronyms.
Top Tips for Before and After a Meeting Raise your Visibility as a Rep

Speak Week 2023-24

Speak Week 2024-25


Tools For Staff

Recruitment of Course Reps. 

The Recruitment of student course reps should take place within the first three weeks of teaching. This will enable us as a Students’ Union to train and equip the reps with the skills necessary to engage with university committees and further feedback forums.  
The number of course reps on a course should be reflected in the number of students within the year's cohort. As such the guideline ratio is as follows: 
1 rep for every 25 students. 
Course Reps should ideally be selected for their position through democratic means, whether this is a show of hands or if possible, a ballot. The student cohort should have a say in who is their formal representative who will be feeding back to the university on their behalf. 
In the event of low interest and a small candidate pool, methods of offering the role to interested students is acceptable but not preferred. 

Guidance for holding an Election.

In the event you hold an election to determine a course rep. Here is some guidance to support you in this process:
  • You should be aiming for 1 rep per 25 students (100 students = 4 reps). If you have more people interested in the role than needed = move to an election. If you have less people interested in the role then the required number of reps = appoint them to the rep position.
  • Ask for everyone who is interested in the position to make themselves known. 
  • Determine which method of voting you will use. Examples: a show of hands whilst all candidates wait outside the room, A microsoft form where the selectable options are the candidates. 
  • How students vote should not be influenced by staff.
  • A simple majority would be needed to be the successful candidate.

Slides to support Course Rep Recruitment are availble here on the page.

Registering Course Reps

Following the recruitment of Course reps, please ensure you fill out the Course Rep Registration form which has been circulated to schools. If this form has not been forwarded to yourself, please send the following details to 
  • Student ID number 
  • Year of Study  
  • Level of Study (UG / PG) 
  • Full name of Programme 
To fully support and enable the students to be involved in university committees, we would appreciate any effort in getting this information to the SU as soon as possible.  

Further Support from the Students' Union

If you have any queries regarding the Course Representative system, or would like to enquire about an SU member coming to a lecture to support recruitment of reps – please contact us through