We're committed to providing a world-class student experience
Every student at Cardiff Metropolitan University automatically becomes part of the biggest organisation at Cardiff Met, your Students' Union!
Cardiff Met SU is here to represent, support, inspire and involve every student and there are loads of ways you can get involved.
University is an amazing experience and there are so many opportunities that the SU can provide. You will make memories for the rest of your life. Whether it's being part of the rep structure, joining a society or competing with the Athletic Union. You will make friends and gain skills and experiences that you can take with you when you graduate. So get involved and support your union!
AGM Minutes
Other Policies
Financial Statements
Student Charters
Policies for Advice & Support Services
Zero Tolerance
Cardiff Met Students’ Union believe all forms of harassment within our university and at events should be challenged and not tolerated. Whether based on gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, medical condition, ethnicity, age, or any other characteristic, we work closely with students to reduce and resolve issues. As a Union, we endeavour to uphold relations with local and national organisations to deliver a campaign that empowers students to understand their rights.
Our Zero Tolerance campaign aims to tackle all levels of harassment at Cardiff Met. We are committed to creating a safe environment for students. Anyone can be a victim of harassment. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to report it to us.
Harassment is a pattern of behaviour that is unwelcome and has the effect of violating a person’s dignity or of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.
We believe all students should be able to enjoy university life without experiencing harassment, however, if you feel you have been harassed in any way, we have a team in place to help resolve the matter. Please contact our Student Advisor, Alison at alarner@cardiffmet.ac.uk for further information and advice.
No Platform
Fascism, racism, LGBT phobia, sexism, ageism and discrimination are all strands of thought and oppression within society which seeks to divide people. As a Students’ Union it is our job to represent all students and to attempt to unite students against these attacks. It is the job of the Students' Union executive to educate members on the need to oppose discrimination and thence the need for a ‘No Platform Policy’ subject to existing University Polices. Students' Unions should be safe spaces for all and we should be making sure we are a safe space by not allowing those who wish to marginalise the oppressed onto our events. The Students' Union also recognises that a No Platform Policy only works where such groups do not have a platform already – as such whilst we do not permit these individuals or organisations into our events, nor will we share a platform with them; turning down the opportunity of challenging their views in places where they do have a platform.
1) This Union believes
- That, racism, LGBT phobia, sexism, ageism and discrimination are still widespread in all aspects of society and should be confronted wherever they are found.
- That students and students’ unions have a long proud record of achievement in the fight against, racism, LGBT phobia, sexism, ageism and discrimination.
- That, subject to the university’s equal opportunities, and associated policies, the union should be at the forefront of campaigns to combat prejudice on the form of ethnic origin, religious belief, sexuality, gender, disability or age and that we should not allow these practices within any of our Student Societies, including the practice of single sex segregation (within existing Equality Legislation).
- That a No Platform Policy is a key element in the fight against intolerance on campus.
- That the No-Platform Policy compliments the university equal opportunities, and associated policies, Equality Legislation and the Public Order Act.
- That no platform policies safeguard its members from being subjected to the lies, bigotry and hatred.
2) This Union commits:
- Not to allow any individual who is known to hold, racist, LGBT phobic, sexist, ageist and discriminatory views from accessing students union events or societies (Subject to existing University Policies and Equality Legislation).
- Not to allow any individual who is known to hold racist, LGBT phobic, sexist, ageist or discriminatory views to speak at a union event and that we will not allow these practices within any of our Student Societies, including the practice of single sex segregation (subject to existing University policies and Equality Legislation).
- Not to allow any individual who is known to hold, racist, LGBT phobic, sexist, ageist or discriminatory views to distribute any written or recorded material in the union which expresses those views.
- No elected officer of the union will speak on a platform with an individual who is known to hold racist, LGBT phobic, sexist, ageist or discriminatory views.
- That resolutions ‘a to d’ shall be known as the unions ‘No Platform Policy’, and that this motion, including preamble, shall be presented to those questioning the policy as an initial explanation.
- To widely publicise this policy, not only to members but to all stakeholders.
- To incorporate the No Platform Policy into the Union’s disciplinary procedure and use it accordingly.
- To mandate the executive to educate members on the issues surrounding the No Platform Policy.
Safe Taxi
Cardiff Met Students’ Union is pleased to launch its ‘Cardiff Met Safe Taxi’ scheme in association with Dragon Taxis. The scheme is designed to be an emergency safeguard for students who are stuck in Cardiff with no way to get home. The scheme, active between 10pm and 6am every day aims to ensure that all Cardiff Met students have a way to return home safely at the end of the night, allowing them to book a taxi using just their full name and student card. Full details of the scheme can be found at www.dragontaxis.com/students.
Students are reminded that this is an emergency scheme and all fares should be repaid to the Students’ Union within 7 days of the journey.
Cardiff Met Students’ Union would like to give a warm welcome to all students studying on our programmes around the world.
Although you will be studying at another institution, and perhaps in another country, you are still very much a part of the family at Cardiff Metropolitan University and we are keen to ensure that you have a great learning experience and are supported throughout your studies.
Ideas Hub
Impact Reports
NUS Statement
As you may be aware Cardiff Met Students’ Union is not a member of the National Union of Students. The decision made in the interests of our students was made several years ago not to affiliate to NUS Wales following a number of concerns about the service we received, particularly given the substantial cost of membership.
Since this decision was made the Students’ Union has been able to invest the affiliation money back into you, our members, to ensure that you have the best student experience possible. We have developed the representation structure in each academic school to include 3 levels; School Rep, Lead Rep and Course Rep. These roles are now well-established meaning the student voice is now heard at all levels of the institution in a representative and effective manner, and our representative structure continues to develop each year.
In 2012 the Welsh Government announced that it intended to merge 3 institutions in South Wales to form the University of South Wales, an idea that was supported by NUS Wales. This would have resulted in Cardiff Metropolitan University and Newport University being dissolved as a University and taken over by the University of Glamorgan. In a secret ballot, over 90% of Cardiff Met students voted to remain autonomous and mandated the Students' Union Officers to campaign against the plans. If we had not been an autonomous organisation we would not have been able to conduct this campaign and protect our students’ interests.
By being an independent union we were in a much stronger position to represent our students’ views and conduct a major political campaign across all political parties, which contributed and lead to the Welsh Government withdrawing its plans.
We’re now in a great position to represent and support you not just on campus at a local level but increasingly at a national level through our connections with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), two key players in the HE sector.
Some NUS member students benefit from purchasing a discount card at a cost of £11 a year. So that our students don’t miss out we have introduced the Swipe Card. Swipe costs you just £10 and is valid for 3 years. It is the only card that can get you discounts every day on campus in SU venues such as Zen, Centro, Starbucks and our shops. You can also get discounts around Cardiff with our Swipe partners such as: Motorpoint Arena, Doctor Who Experience, The Red Dragon Centre and many more. A full list of Swipe offers and discounts can be found at http://www.cardiffmetsu.co.uk/swipe/.