Reps Blog 2 - CSM School Rep

Another term done and dusted, what a roller-coaster!

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Another term done and dusted, what a roller-coaster!

Hi everyone, Connor here with another blog for you to read jus at the start of term, you lucky people!

First off, Happy New Year! Here’s to a new decade, let’s make it a good one.

It has been a rewarding challenge coming to grips with my role as the CSM School Rep. As you may have seen or heard me talk about, I started the first term late as I was away in Japan watching the Rugby World Cup. I literally got off the plane in London and was in class the very next day, it would be an understatement for me to say I chucked myself in the deep end!

But I love a challenge and I think I have had a successful first term. I’ve had to take the time to find my lead reps that look after the different departments in the school rep, they’ve been fantastic! It really helps having someone who can get feedback for me and resolve smaller issues so I can focus on others. We have had some positive meetings with the school management and have made some real progress with lingering issues that have been around for a while. One of which has been the issue with the first busses of the day not arriving on campus until 09:00 or after.

I have been involved with a few things this term, I was on a stand for a week with School of Technology School Rep, Ian Smith, gathering student feedback and running a competition to give away some Amazon vouchers. I also had the pleasure of running a Christmas Party with School of Health Science School Rep, Mona Basher, and it turned to be absolutely awesome! I have never ever planned or run an event like that, I was a complete newbie to the idea. But with Mona’s help, it ended up being fantastic.

I think what I have taken away most from this term is a new appreciation for how important time management skills are. I have always prided myself on my time management and thought I was really good at it. But now, I understand that I do have things to improve. I now know what it will take to continue in this role in the New Year and what it takes to have the best time management skills.

Like I said in my last blog post, it’s all well and good having a degree. But in today’s job market, having just a degree with no life experience can really damage your prospects. Doing those extracurricular activities and partaking in those extra credit opportunities are designed to give you a leg up on those who never take part. I know that this term I will be continuing to take opportunities when I can, and you should too!

Finally, on the last day the term, some of the SU team had the chance to visit Ty Hafan Children’s Hospice in Barry. As you may know, Ty Hafan is the SU’s charity of the year and we were delighted to participate in their version of The Greatest Showman. I’m no DiCaprio myself but I did my best to put on a show as one of the clowns. It was a great little show to be a part of and a lovely way to see off the end of first term.

I’m looking forward to getting started, let’s have a great beginning of the new decade, best of luck to you!

