My journey as the Cardiff School of Art & Design School Rep - Beth McSpadden

Throughout my time as CSAD Rep, I’ve been able to see the active impact that students have on the university and how much students can make a change. Through raising issues and voicing opinions, the school flourishes and it’s been an honour to see that action taking place, first hand.

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Cardiff School of Art and Design - School Rep 


Throughout my time as CSAD Rep, I’ve been able to see the active impact that students have on the university and how much students can make a change. Through raising issues and voicing opinions, the school flourishes and it’s been an honour to see that action taking place, first hand. 


This term, I’ve been able to support students through open conversations about the university, as well as signposting students to all the wonderful facilities the university has to offer. On top of this, we’ve been able to reach out and find out what isn’t going so well at the university. This feedback is then passed on to the right people for real change to be made. The key here is the chance to constantly take feedback from students and put them at the heart of everything we do. So never stop giving feedback!! It is so valuable.


Getting feedback from students wasn’t always the easiest task. Often people were quite reserved as they worried about the repercussions of what they were saying. But it’s important to remember that the SU is separate to the university and you are able to voice your thoughts freely without the worry of affecting you as an individual.


To anyone who is thinking about taking on the role of school rep next year, absolutely go for it. It is such a rewarding experience and nothing like anything you will have done before. Being able to work with the SU and have insider knowledge of how the university works really gives you a better appreciation for everything that is going on to improve YOUR student experience. It also puts you at the forefront for real change which is a very exciting prospect.


To get the most out of your experience at university, you just have to dive into every opportunity. I came to university for a degree and I’m leaving with more than I could’ve thought possible. That’s all come from the opportunities I took outside of my course, and I would encourage everyone to do the same. University is what you make it, and 3 years really does go by in a flash so treasure every second. They’ll be the best years of your life! 
