Submit ideas for a new society

If you'd like to start-up a new society, you can use the 'New Idea' button below to submit your idea (you need to be logged in to the site).

Once your idea has been submitted, other students can register a vote and write a comment if they're also intersted in starting the same society.

Once you've found ten students who share the same passion for your society idea, you can begin the official application and set-up process for your society.

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  • -1 score
    1 voter

    Vegetarian and Vegan Society

      Interested in cutting out meat or dairy? Need help in doing so? What to meet like minded people? Well this is the society for you! Welcome everyone, not just vegetarians and vegans. We can share recipes, discover vegan friendly restaurants and go to vegan festivals.
    Lydia Ross
    3:15pm on 16 Jan 17 If interested email :)
    Lydia Ross
    3:15pm on 16 Jan 17 If interested email :)