Submit ideas for a new society

If you'd like to start-up a new society, you can use the 'New Idea' button below to submit your idea (you need to be logged in to the site).

Once your idea has been submitted, other students can register a vote and write a comment if they're also intersted in starting the same society.

Once you've found ten students who share the same passion for your society idea, you can begin the official application and set-up process for your society.

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    Pencils of Promise

      Pencils of promise is a charity that builds schools for under privileged children in a number of different countries. As students, it can be easy to forget that for some people education is a luxury they may never get the chance to receive. Starting up this society would make great opportunities to fund raise and get together with like minded people to create and leave behind something that will really make a difference. Creativity and fun new ideas will make it possible to build entire schools.
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