Student Led Teaching Fellowships - Current & Previous Winners

2016/17 Winners

A member of staff that provides an engaging teaching environment

Louise Cook

"Louise provides an environment that allows all students to participate and engage with. She is motivated and passionate about Youth & Community Work and you can see this in the way that she teaches and delivers."

A member of staff that provides effective feedback

Dr Lisa Edwards

"The feedback she provides always uses the assessment criteria effectively and allows myself and others the opportunity to identify strengths and weaknesses, and to build upon them. Feedback is fundamental and motivational for learning and Lisa is always willing to support students fully and provide them with whatever they need feedback wise."

A member of staff that provides assessments that promote learning

David Wrenne

"David has provided a fun and creative environment within our course. It has helped us to be able to expand our knowledge and come up with effective new ideas for our briefs that we have been given. I haven't had a dull moment so far and look forward to the rest of my university experience."

2015/16 Winners

Kath Mutter

"Kath is an extremely good lecturer and provides you with feedback on how to improve. You can tell that Kath wants you to do well in not only University but also after gaining your degree through her passion and willingness to ensure you know how to improve yourself to adapt to the working world."

Sally Bethell

"Sally has been incredibly supportive right the way through my PGCE. Her feedback is positive and always constructive, giving me examples of things that I've done well and directions for how I can improve in other areas."

Leanne Etheridge

"Leanne Etheridge is always there for students, both academically and personally. When there is a problem, Leanne makes time to talk through the issue and to provide advice. Her advice and feedback has always been fair and aids the progress of students."

Richard Morris

"This year, my third and final year of university, Richard is my tutor for Product Design, and sets up meetings that allow open discussion in a safe and secure environment. No idea is stupid or too much and it makes it much easier to create a well-executed finished piece."

Sally Varrall

"She is extremely good at filling my year group with confidence. She has so much experience in her field and is constantly sharing her knowledge and experiences with us."

2014/15 Winners

Mikel Mellick

"Mikel encourages us to think for o?ur?selves, encouraging a sharing of ideas but with an expectation that these ideas need be challenged and that it is not good enough to label everyone the same."

Amelia Johnstone

"She has a wealth of knowledge, which she uses to point you in the right direction with ideas; this has been for example showing me artists to inspire my work or pointing me to the right member of staff in the university to help with an idea."

Mark Sutcliffe

"Mark provides us not only with courses but an environment that encourages learning, but above all he promotes trust and belonging."

Gill Price

"My dilemmas are always met with a professional and efficient manner by Gill and I always feel much better for sharing my experiences with her, whether they are positive or negative."

Henry Dawson

"Henry goes out of his way to bring examples of building materials into lectures. He is enthusiastic and encouraging. His approach inspires further interest in the subject and creates further debate within the class and outside the class."

2013/14 Winners

Nigel Jones

"Nigel understands what perspective everyone comes from with regards to the topic and how that individual influence may or may not be relevant."

Anna Bhushan

"The care shown from Anna for her students is what makes us so confident in our practice. "

Emily Hillier

"Emily's lectures are always engaging and clear she is able to make the learning relatable and enjoyable. She always tries to make the seminars interactive, personal and fun."

Dr Cathryn Withycombe

"Throughout our immunology and cell biology modules Cathryn has not ceased to inspire with relevant, clinical and humorous examples of immune responses and DNA structure."

Dr Brendan Cropley

"Brendan approaches the coaching science module with inspiring confidence. He displays great composure and knowledge both in lectures and seminars. He is always on hand to help with any queries or problems."

2011/12 Winners

Promoting Confidence in Learning

Mark Samuels

"He gave each of us the chance to identify our own strengths and weaknesses before discussing with us as a group..."

Best Preparation for the Future

Steve Moore

"When you leave one of his seminars you feel you have learned something new and are taking away valuable knowledge that you can apply to the workplace."

Assessment that Enhances Learning

Annette Daly

"By structuring learning and assesment in such a way that it highlights areas in which we are strong or weak so we can learn to improve the bits we're struggling with."

Innovative Teaching

Ingrid Murphy

"Ingrid's excitement and enthusiasm every time she shows us a new piece of technology (and what we can do with it) carries us all along with her."

Most Inspirational Teaching

Chantelle Haughton

"Her personal stories and experiences bring the modules to life, where she relates to practical experience with theory."

2010/11 Winners

Most Inspiring

Dimitra Fimi

"She is always enthusiastic and passionate about everything she talks about, she inspires me to look outside the box."

Innovative Teaching

Hannah Plumpton

"Hannah demonstrated innovative teaching... She revamped the module to make it much more interactive and relevant to our future job roles."

Best Feedback

John Dobson

"Encourages us to email with any questions and always makes his lessons realistic and relates them to his real life experiences."

Best Preparation for Work

Olwen Moseley

"Olwen provides ample opportunities to us all for work experience due to her keeping up to date contacts within the design industry."

Most Organised Module

Rose O'Driscoll

"Rose's modules are always seamlessly put together, with all the lecture notes always put on BlackBoard prior to the lecture taking place."