SU Student Forum
Student led Decisions, Student Led Change.


The SU Student Forum is Cardiff Metropolitan University Students' Union's student led political decision making body. It is our student parliment / goverment made up of reps from each school and your elected full-time officers. Meeting once a month, the SU Forum makes decisions on the political direction of the SU, informed by student feedback and ideas submitted through our ideas page.

Any student can attend our SU Forum, however only members of the forum may vote. 

Our SU Forum members 24/25:

The membership of the SU Forum consists of the two full-time elected officers, our 6 school reps, and two additional SU Forum reps. These students work together to make decisions in responses to student issues. 

Their full contact details can be found here: 

Student President
Daniel Flaherty
Vice President - Education
Rewathi Viswanatham
CSM School Rep
Daf Hughes
CST School Rep
Soorya Selvakumar
CSAD School Rep
Aderyn Lane
CSSHS Llandaff School Rep
Lauren Young
CSSHS Cyncoed School Rep
Julian Grech
CSESP School Rep
Emily Prance
Forum Rep - Cyncoed
Forum Rep - Llandaff


How Decisions are made

24/25 SU FOrum Dates

1) Student ideas can be submitted here and they'll get taken to the next SU Forum (or agm whichever is closest)
2) The SU Forum will debate and then vote on the issue:
Three outcomes can happen as a result of a vote:
A) The idea is passed and becomes policy of the SU!
B) The Idea is voted down, and the issue can not be discussed again in the academic year.
C) The idea to be progressed to an all student meeting or Referenda, for the wider student body to vote on.
18th February - 4pm, Llandaff SU Meeting Room
18th March - 4pm, Cyncoed SU Meeting Room (Centro)
13th May - 4pm, Llandaff SU Meeting Room.

Minutes for SU Forum's


21st January
18th February (TBC)
18th March (TBC)
13th May (TBC)


Byelaw handbook - This document outlines how we do things, and the steps we need to take before making decisions. 
SU Articles of Association, Constitution and more