Student Voice

Submit an Idea



Welcome to the SU's Ideas Page! This is a place where you can submit any idea for change about your university experience or vote and comment on existing ideas.

Ideas discussed here will go to your Student Leadership Team, who will use it to inform the Students' Union work. When you submit an idea, we'll do our part and promote the idea as best we can to get further student oppinion - but the main driving force should be you! Make sure your course mates know about the ideas you are passionate about.

Ideas will be sent to the Student Leadership Team meeting which is where Student Leaders discuss, and potentially action your idea. So don't hold back, let us know what you want us to do!

The Ideas page is such a direct and effective way to get your voice heard and you can use it as many times as you like during your studies - we know that your needs and wants change year on year, so use the Ideas Forum to reflect the current issues you are facing and let us know what it is you care about.


Before you post please consider the following

  • Make sure your idea clearly states what you want to change and why – things like how it would be funded, who it would apply to – give as much detail as possible. If you don’t, we may have to delete your idea or it could be rejected by students for being too vague.
  • Check to see if your idea has already been posted by someone else – if so, don’t post the idea again, but vote and comment on the existing idea
  • As a Students' Union we can change our own behaviours, campaigns and policies - but we can also challenge the university to change theirs! So feel free to discuss issues you'd like to see addressed to improve your Cardiff Met University academic experience.

Want help filling out an idea? Feel free to contact your SU via

The Ideas page is moderated by the Voice Team at your Students' Union, whilst using this Ideas page you are still subject to the Universities code of conduct and our own. So please refrain from hate speech, or harrassing and naming specific members of staff. If you believe an idea is malicious, or breaks the code of conduct, please get in tocuh with the Voice Team via


I've got no idea!