Becoming a Course Rep looks great on your CV and provides you with invaluable transferable skills, it also provides you with experience which can help you progress through the roles within the rep structure. Reps are given benefits from the SU for attending training and meetings and being proactive within their role.
The appointment of the course reps takes place in the first term, and is facilitated by School Reps with the help of the academic staff and lead reps. Once appointed reps are given training and a handbook which they can refer to throughout the year, at this point they can also purchase a discounted rep hoodie.
If you have been elected as a course rep but can't see your name in the rep directory please contact your School Rep.
Or if you would like to be a course rep but no election has been held in your class please contact your School Rep
Become a Lead Rep
If you're a Course Rep and would like to take on some extra responsibility you can talk to your School Rep about the Lead Rep role. Lead Reps are recruited over the summer and early in term one. In some schools you will represent a whole year group and in others a department, all schools have a Post Graduate Lead Rep too.
Lead Reps are paid a bursary from the SU for undertaking the role and will have recognition of the position on their Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)
Become a School Rep
The role of School Rep is advertised by the Students' Union in term 2 around the same time as the SU elections. You can apply for the role with a CV and Cover Letter at this time, the recruitment process will also involve an interview by a panel of SU staff and officers.
School Reps begin preparing for their role with a handover in term 3 and tasks over the summer. A full week of training is provided in September before the start of term. School Reps are paid a bursary from the SU and will have recognition of the position on their Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)