My journey as the Cardiff School of Technologies School Rep - Bradley Bunce

Serving as the school representative for the School of Tech at Cardiff Metropolitan University has been a profoundly rewarding experience. This role has not only allowed me to grow personally but also professionally. It's been a term filled with challenges, triumphs, and invaluable learning opportunities. Engaging with students, faculty, and administration has broadened my understanding of the dynamic needs within our academic community. Every meeting, every event, and every conversation contrib

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Cardiff School of Technologies - School Rep 


Reflection on My Term:

Serving as the school representative for the School of Tech at Cardiff Metropolitan University has been a profoundly rewarding experience. This role has not only allowed me to grow personally but also professionally. It's been a term filled with challenges, triumphs, and invaluable learning opportunities. Engaging with students, faculty, and administration has broadened my understanding of the dynamic needs within our academic community. Every meeting, every event, and every conversation contributed to a richer, more comprehensive perspective on fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all students.


Contributions to Student Life:

One of my primary goals as a school representative was to enhance student life, both visibly and behind the scenes. Publicly, I organised events such as the "Paws on Campus" initiative to support men's mental health. This event was incredibly successful, providing a relaxed and supportive environment where students could unwind and openly discuss their mental health struggles. Another memorable event was a rock-climbing session, where we were honoured to have the CEO of the Student Union join us. This event not only promoted physical health but also strengthened our community bonds. Behind the scenes, my fellow representatives and I worked tirelessly to implement significant constitutional changes. Though only sometimes visible to the student body, these efforts were crucial in shaping a more effective and responsive student governance structure. Our focus was always on ensuring that student voices were heard, and their needs were met meaningfully.


Message to Future Representatives and Students:

I have a simple but important message for future school representatives, especially those in the School of Tech: Utilise your unique resources and support systems. Being a tech student at Cardiff Met comes with its own set of privileges and challenges. Leverage the fantastic social spaces and the robust support network, including university staff, the Student Union, and your peers. The more you communicate, the more effective you will be in your role. Be proactive, listen attentively, and act decisively. Remember, your efforts can significantly enhance the university experience for your fellow students.

For the broader student body, I advise engaging actively with the opportunities presented to you. University life is not just about academic achievements; it's about growing as an individual and part of a community. Participate in events, seek support when needed, and maximise your time here. The relationships you build and the experiences you gain will be invaluable in your future endeavours.


Looking Ahead:

Reflecting on my term, I realise how this role has shaped my future career aspirations. I plan to work with Student Unions across the country to support the integration of all students, drawing on the lessons I've learned as a school representative. This experience has equipped me with the skills and insights necessary to be there for most students who need support. Working alongside other representatives, sabbaticals, and union staff has been an unparalleled experience that I will utilise in my future career as a start-up founder of a tech-based company. Unifying Services will support students in integrating into their new campus, city, and life, ensuring they feel welcome and supported throughout their academic journey.


My journey as a school representative has been transformative. It has provided me with a platform to make a tangible difference in student life and has prepared me for a future dedicated to student advocacy and support. I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to seeing how future representatives will continue to build on our efforts to create an inclusive and vibrant student community.

