On 15th March, the Students’ Union and University presented a case study at a Quality Enhancement Network event hosted by the QAA. The theme of the event was student engagement in collaborative partners.
On 15th March, the Students’ Union and University presented a case study at a Quality Enhancement Network event hosted by the QAA. The theme of the event was student engagement in collaborative partners.
Following receiving recognition of good practice for student engagement with partners in QAA reviews of both our whole institution and UK provision in Greece, Cardiff Met was asked to present a case study. With around 6500 partner students studying Cardiff Metropolitan University programmes at 17 partners in 18 countries around the world, the Students’ Union and University have taken on different initiatives to increase engagement with partner students.
When presenting the case study, Cardiff Met spoke in particular about the annual Students’ Union partner event where one student from each of our partner institutions is invited to Cardiff Met to take part in student rep training and workshops. They also spoke about the Students’ Union visits to partner institutions abroad and in the UK.
Hannah Reilly and Amy Campbell from the Students’ Union presented at the event alongside Gaby Tobin from the Academic Standards and Quality Unit at the University. A student, Tamara Kichukova, who studies at Perrotis College in Greece also attended the event and presented on her experience of being a Cardiff Met student at a partner university.
During Tamara’s speech, she spoke about how from attending the Students’ Union Partner Event in Cardiff and through Students’ Union officers visiting her college in Greece, it helped her to feel more part of the Cardiff Met community. She also said, “Students find it very interesting when they get to know more things about Cardiff Met SU and they feel more supported.” The number of votes in the Students’ Union elections at Perrotis College had increased this year to 60% and Tamara believes this is due to students having a greater understanding about Cardiff Met Students’ Union and being a student rep thanks to the SU Partner Event and visit to the College last year.
Tamara presenting at the event