Cardiff Met SU ranked 3rd in Wales for Student Satisfaction

The latest NSS results show that Cardiff Met Students’ Union has been ranked 3rd in Wales for Student Satisfaction.

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The latest NSS results show that Cardiff Met Students’ Union has been ranked 3rd in Wales for Student Satisfaction*.

With a score of 68% (which is a 10% rise from last year) we are 1% higher that the UK average for Students’ Unions**

Comment from Ruth Foster, President;

“We are delighted with the latest student satisfaction results which show a major year on year increase for the Students’ Union. It reflects all the hard work that our student reps and staff have put in over the last year to implement a range of new initiatives and services which are contributing to the overall student experience"

*Currently placed behind Cardiff University Students’ Union 82% and Swansea University Students’ Union 74%

** UK Students’ Union average is 67%, Wales Students’ Union average is 70%

All information taken from HEFCE all Taught Dataset