Cardiff Met SU hosted its annual Partner Event from the 28th of March to the 1st of April 2022.
Each year, we ask our 16 Transnational Partner institutions to select a student representative to attend. Our TNE (Transnational Education) partners consist of students studying a Cardiff Met programme at an institution around the globe.
Cardiff Met SU hosted its annual Partner Event from the 28th of March to the 1st of April 2022.
Each year, we ask our 16 Transnational Partner institutions to select a student representative to attend. Our TNE (Transnational Education) partners
consist of students studying a Cardiff Met programme at an institution around the globe. As such, each student that is enrolled on a Cardiff Met programme, automatically becomes a member of Cardiff Met Students’ Union. For the last 2 years, the event has been held via Microsoft Teams. This was a result of the pandemic. Positively, a virtual event has enabled more partner students to attend the event. The aim of the event is as follows.
- Represent the views and ensure a quality provision for students at all campuses around the globe.
- Effectively represent the collective student voice at all organisational levels including decision making bodies.
- Provide and respond to the diversity of the student body in the design and delivery of student engagement, partnership working and student representation process
This year, the Partner Event was held from Monday to Friday, from 9am-11am UK time. These timings were selected to enable all our partner students to attend. Below is a schedule of the sessions delivered. These sessions were specifically selected to address feedback from TNE surveys and termly check-ins with our partner institutions. The schedule contained a diverse range of internal and stakeholders. The range of sessions within the schedule mirrors the student experience a student studying in Cardiff can expect to receive. We were delighted to invite Quality Enhancement Specialists from The Quality Assurance Agency to facilitate a session based on global student community and learning environments. The feedback we received was extremely useful to enhancing the TNE student experience and close the feedback loop.
This year, we were delighted to host 105 attendees over the week. This made it our most attended Partner Event to date. See below some pictures from the week.

Feedback from the Event
Cardiff Met SU sent out a questionnaire to attendees. See below some feedback gained from the event.
‘The persons who have conduct the event were friendly and they have explained everything in simple ways that helps students to understand better and the question they asked during the sessions had truly encouraged us to focus on the particular topic of each event.’
‘The academic writing parts. Detailed, on point and I learned more about a better structure of my essays.’
‘QAA session and last session was so good.’
Cardiff Met SU is proud to represent the views of our transnational students.
Cardiff Met SU Engagement Strategy
During the week, I was invited to speak at The Quality Assurance Agencies popular webinar series, Managing Risk and Enhancing Quality: The TNE experience. I discussed Cardiff Met SU’s TNE partner journey, the strategic approach (three stage of engagement strategy) to building a global community that we have developed this year, and our plans going forward. We are working hard to develop purposeful partnerships and practices with our TNE and Local Partners. Presenting at this webinar and sharing our approach was a great experience.
Thank you to all attendees, partner managers, link tutors and our partner institutions for being so supportive of our work. We hope to continue to build purposeful partnerships and practices with you all.