What is HIV?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a viral infection that damages the immune system of the infected person. Only people with HIV go on to develop AIDS.
What is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)?
When the immune system of a person suffering with HIV is no longer able to cope, this is called AIDS or sometimes late-stage or advanced HIV infection.
Who catches HIV?
Anyone can catch HIV, Of the 98,400 people estimated to be living with HIV in the UK, experts believe 21,900 of people with HIV do not know that they have the condition.
People often think that HIV is only a problem for gay men but although this group are particularly affected, it should be noted that in 2010 the majority of new cases were caught heterosexually.
How do you catch HIV?
HIV is not as easy to catch as many people think as the virus itself is quite fragile and doesn’t last for long outside the body. HIV can be caught
From sexual intercourse and other sexual activity with an infected person, whether they know they have it or not.
Passed from mother to baby
From blood.
Sharing needles
How can you reduce your risk of becoming infected?
Use a condom or dental dam correctly for all types of sexual activity
Use clean needles
If you think you might have been at risk of catching HIV tests, are available and the only way to be sure
For more information regarding HIV, AIDs and getting tested
The National AIDS Trust www.nat.org.uk
Terence Higgins Trust www.tht.org.uk
NHS Direct Wales http://www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk/encyclopaedia/h/article/hivandaids/
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s)
HIV is only one of many STI’s, to avoid catching any of them, always use a condom or dental dam correctly during all types of sexual activity. Incidence of many STI’s are high but 2014 has seen many Universities reporting an increase in cases of Gonorrhea
If you have been at risk of any STI you need to go to the ISH Clinic at Cardiff Royal Infirmary . Appointments are made via a text service so please look at the link for more information
For the University Nurse availability check the website http://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health .
To contact the nurses for advice via email use healthservice@cardiffmet.ac.uk
Useful Links
FPA UK www.Fpa.org.uk Phone 0845 310 1334
NHS Direct Wales