By Andrew & Mutley.
Police pursue serial killer in Northern Ireland, spot the stars from the past and recent soap operas?
By Andrew & Mutley (Psychology Society Sec)
Just thought I would share the experience with you all, on this designated reading week and before all you swot heads have a go at me, I was actually reading most of the day. But there is only so much psychology one can take, before it gets on your nerves. Sorry for the pun but I had to drop it in somewhere, and why not? It is the only attachment to humour I have? Now before you all wonder off in search of a more exciting topic, I will offer you a little insight to my anxiety.
Well it was not only the scary sight of hand and shoulder guns on all the police officers, but the apparent need for guns seemed to outweigh the arguments against the use of which. My sadness or empathy goes out to the fallen officers in duty who were visibly displayed upon the wall as the visiting officer enters the police station. The forgotten people we may seem to forget in times of remembrance, some of us may just think wars are fought by serving military men and women? We cannot forget the sacrifice of serving officers who go about their daily routines in parts of the United Kingdom, where the laws seem to have been manipulated to create havens for gangsters; more at home in American police sitcom series than in our own backyards. Now before anyone starts telling me to get down off my soap box and mind my own business, which to be fare in most cases I and others like me usually do.
The other scene which sent a shudder down my memory bank was the brutal slaying of the off duty officer in front of a waiving onlooker, who happened to be his son. I know it is only a program trying to encourage an increase in viewings in the ratings war, but the act of murder, by whomever and wherever it is carried out, is just wrong. The thing that incensed me is the shooting of a human being in the back is just plain cowardly, along with the other premeditated crimes that seem to grip my attention so late in the evening. Maybe the choice of psychology was a wise one, though deep down can anyone ever really understands why others do the things they do, when relating to serious crimes?
On a lighter side of things for you not so in touch with reality people, was the amazing line up of T.V stars, these include a major remodelling of one of my favourites in my younger days, which was off the cult following programme: “X-Files”. Which I believe started in the late eighties, early nineties. Now apologies if I am wrong, but I seem to remember watching X-Files while quite sober at the time, so it must have been years ago, or was it? Not wishing to seem sexist as my observations point to the role played by Jennifer Addison? Yes I know I may have got her name wrong, I just wanted to keep you interested as you are hopefully shouting her name out at the screen! Well it is either the cameras or are the ladies aging well these days, and her red hair has been replaced with forgive me if I am wrong highlighted blonde streaks, either way she does have something which is unforgettable. Oh by the way I have no preferences in hair colour and do not want to get into any discussions of what colour hair looks better on whom, although come to think of it that could be a good fun topic. Picture this me with highlights and permed hair, yes it true even I in my earlier days succumb to the demands of fashion to try to influence the opposite sex I hasten to add. Maybe I should try it again, umm I think not as I approach the half century I choose to grow older gracefully.
Now for you younger students, you know the ones I mean as you are in the majority of the 19+ group, for all you hollyhocks fans, is that how you spell it? This seems to be where and how all those x Northern Irish stars are paying their mortgages, in series made closer to home. My personal impression of the bloke on the Movember campaign was pleasantly good, I do not know his name but I am sure we will all being much more of his character. Another character from the same programme, again I am sorry but I have drawn a blank on names, she actually plays the serial killers wife, maturing well and if you ask me a character the outcome could be pleasantly twisted around or not so pleasantly depending how you look at the scenario. Well believe it or not that is me done for now, ave to get back to me reading see, now hope I have not upset anyone or caused any controversy? Well I do try to apply myself to the appropriate rules of life, although along the way I have seemed to have been a bit wayward, my apologies for that and here’s to a bright future together for us all. Whoops nearly forgot to mention all those other refreshing to see professional Northern Irish T.V and film stars, what a good line up and I look forward to remembering to watch the finale this Sunday. Only thing is it’s at midnight and for you non-students I know this is normally past your bedtime. If you miss it you can always read the reviews, if I have not bored the daylight out of you by now, live long and happy all the best