Considering an Internship?

By Liam Chowdhury - Unsure about carrying out an internship? What to expect? Know what it is?

By Liam Chowdhury - Unsure about carrying out an internship? What to expect? Know what it is?

Before I joined this University (now in my second year), it was adamant that I was to carry out a Sandwich Degree. For those who don’t know, a Sandwich Degree consists of taking a year break in-between year 2 and year 3, to experience an industrial environment. You’ll be surprised by the amount of well-known industries that recruit undergraduate students, and pay them! It can range from Microsoft to BT, Lidl to Walt Disney etc.

Where to start?

Start by using placement websites, such as, or Google the companies that interest you to see if they offer an internship. Just doing the simple research of what the placement entails of you, will guide you to what you would like to do within that placement year, and possibly for a future career.

Application Process

I’m not going to lie to you, it is a long process for each application. However, our Work Placement Advisor will offer you the guidance of creating your CV and the Cover Letter. These two documents are the most important essentials when it comes to applying for these placements. Your CV can stay the same, but your Cover Letter is what will sell your passion for why you would like to work for that company. Think of it as a Personal Statement when applying to University if you will. Now that your CV and Cover Letter are out of the way, you will have to fill in other required information for that company, such as your University Details, write about a project that challenged certain skills of yours, and why you should be picked for the placement out of hundreds of applicants. Even though it is a dreary process, it is very worthwhile. But not everyone is guaranteed a placement, so don’t be too disappointed.

Waiting, Waiting, Still Waiting

It does take time for the companies to reply to your application, whether it is a good or bad response, with an average response of one to two months. But just don’t forget about the placement you applied for, keep in mind which companies and roles you have applied for and remember that there are hundreds of applicants in your position.

Expect the Unexpected

If you’re like me, and you wouldn’t expect big time corporations to proceed with your application, think again. With myself as an example, out of the 15 placements that I applied for, five replied with good news, with companies that included Walt Disney Company, BT and Microsoft for a Software Engineering position. So apply for the companies where you think you might not have a chance, have a go! What have you got to lose?


If you’ve been short listed for an interview, whether it’s on Skype, on the phone or in person, do your research for the company and about your placement. The companies love knowing that you’ve done your research, whether it’s about their history and their top employers, or a small project that hardly anybody else knows about, it shows you’re keen and willing for the job, interviewers and the company love that, believe me!

What Else?

All companies have a different process when it comes to applications, whether it is just the one interview, been given an assignment or been invited to an assessment day. These companies take time and effort to choose the right student, so take them seriously, dress for the right occasion, do your research, make your CV stand out, show your interest and passion in your Cover Letter, and most of all stand out!

Why Should I Do A Sandwich Degree?

Having a normal degree isn’t enough these days, employers love CV’s that stand out. The more experience you have, the bigger chance to be chosen over another applicant. On average, 90% of students that return from a placement, are most likely to get a first in their final year, as you know what you want as a future career, and what the industry sector entails. After your sandwich year is over, it is very possible for the company to offer you a graduate role based on your performance after your final year of university.

So, do you want an ordinary degree with hardly any experience in the working industry, or thrive and enjoy the experience of a company which you may be working for in the future. For you first year students, if you’re not enrolled on a Sandwich Course, and your programme does offer one, email your tutor to transfer and start researching possible placements for the future! Good luck!

Placement Websites: