Cardiff Met athletes honoured at annual Sports Awards

Cardiff Met sport celebrated at the biggest and best sports awards yet.


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Cardiff Met Sports Awards Winners 2014:

The Frank Cartmell Trophy
Best Student Sports Administrator/Organiser
Carolina Sandbrook - Volleyball

The Darren Griffiths Trophy
Most Successful Student not in the School of Sport
Julie Whiting - Hockey

The Most Improved Team & Player
A Team & Individual for Meritorious Performance
Team: Swimming
Player: Rosie Kingston Athletics

Services to Cardiff Met Sport
Strength & Conditioning Team

Fresher of the Year
A first year who is either an Individual or Team Player who has shown outstanding ability
Ieuan Lloyd Swimming

The Athletic Union Award of Merit
For Meritorious Performance

Sport Cardiff Community Sport Award
Lydia Gyngell

The Sportec Trophy
To the most successful coach of a University Team
Kerry Harris Women’s Football

The Most Valuable Player
The most influential Team Member
Sophie Luff  Women’s - Cricket
Kay Wilson - Women’s Rugby

New Scholarship 2014/2015
Emily Brown Women’s Football

The President’s Cup
Presented at the discretion of the Cardiff Met SU President
Rugby Union  

The Principal’s Award
Presented at the discretion of the Principal
James Thie

The Stuart Griffiths “Team of the Year”
Women’s Football

Willmott Dixon Sports Personality of the Year
The best sporting performer within the University

Runners Up: Sophie Ingle - Women’s Football
Lloyd Birt - Karate
Winner: Sam Cross - Men’s Rugby