Not dampened by the inclement weather, Cardiff Met's best and brightest were back at it on Wednesday delivering some important wins against teams across the country. Impressive victories for the men included, men's Rugby 2nd XV vs St Mary's University College 1st XV (28-3), Men's Hockey XI vs Reading 1st XI (2-1), as well as an interesting derby for the Cardiff Met Men's rugby 4th XV vs Cardiff Met 5th XV, ending in a 28-10 win for the 4ths.
Notable victories for Cardiff Met's ladies include, the Women's 1st Basketball vs Southampton Solent University Women's 1st (71-53), Women's 2nd XI Football vs Plymouth University 1st XI (16-0) and a huge win by the 2's Netball vs Royal Agricultural University 1st (69-5).
Well done teams, keep up the good work!