

The student elections give you the chance to vote for a President and Vice President Education that will best represent your views. Take a look through our Timetable below for the full 2025 Cardiff Met Students' Union elections schedule of events. If you have any questions regarding the election, please email your SU Voice Team (representation@cardiffmet.ac.uk)

Students' Union Election 2025

2 posts are up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls open at 10:00 on Tuesday 18 March 2025 (in 3 days and 17 hours)

Candidate List
See who's running for each post and read their manifestos.

Election Timeline



Election rules & Complaints


Cardiff Met SU Elections Rules


Cardiff Met SU Elections Complaint Form


The Elected Positions Available




The President looks to improve the overall university experience which includes housing, transport and welfare issues.

-Chair the SU's Board of Trustees
-To actively engage with the Student Membership and gather feedback on their experience.
-Undertake projects and campaigns which make student life better.
-Undertake projects and campaigns which engage students in the SU.
-Act as the lead representative for the interests of societies and sports teams.
-Act as the lead representative for Postgraduate Students.
-Act as the lead representative for works relevant to EDI, and Environmentalism.

Click here for a full Role Descriptor


• Chair of SU Board of Trustees and AGM as stated in the Constitution

• Student Governor of the University

• SU Visibility Campaigns

• Responsible for the Financial position and performance of the SU

• Awareness campaigns – based upon the SU’s Diversity and Inclusion Statement

• Involvement in SU disciplinary processes


vice president Education


This role concentrates on the development and maintenance of the Student Voice structure in the SU. The Vice President supports and challenges the university in improving the academic experience.

-Member of the SU's Board of Trustees.
-To actively engage with the Student Membership and gather feedback on their academic experience.
-Undertake projects and campaigns which enhance the academic experience.
-Act as the highest ranking representative of the Academic Interests of Students.
-Oversee the SU Course Rep Structure, and support students engaging with it. 
-To work closely with and maintain relationships with the relevant university departments.
-In the absence of the President, take on a select number of their duties.

Click here for a full Role Descriptor

• SU Trustee

• Student Governor of the University

• Opportunity to chair SU general meetings

• Head of SU Representation structure and student voice lead 

• Manage and train SU School Rep team

• Manage and train School Rep team

• Act on student feedback to make meaningful change for students

• Develop relationships with ADSE’s and Schools 

• Support SLTA and SAA awards

• Guide student wellbeing campaigns and activities


FAQ's by Candidates

To become a SU Sabbatical officer you must nominate yourself through the online nomination form. The period for nominations can be found above during the prior to / during the nomination period. Following this there will be campaigning period and an online election where students will vote for their preferred candidate. Prior to submitting a nomination form you are required to meet with the Elections Officer for a briefing about the process and the roles of SU President and SU Vice President.

Deputy Returning Officer - – Ondrej Kucerak – OKucerak@cardiffmet.ac.uk

Elections are open to all Cardiff Met students who are currently enrolled at Cardiff Met university in the current academic year. If successful you would need to take a sabbatical (period of leave) year from your studies to undertake the role. You can also undertake these roles in the year after you have graduated. If you have any concerns about taking a sabbatical, please contact your course leader

The election nomination form will be available on this page during the period advertised above. Once you have completed your nominations, you then need to submit a manifesto through the same page. You will also need to attend a candidate briefing, we will be in touch with the detail of those once you have nominated yourself. For any support nominating yourself please get in touch with the Voice team Representation@cardiffmet.ac.uk. You will recieve a confirmation email to clarfiy the status of your nomination.

Winning one election does not mean that you will win another; every candidate is in with a chance of winning as it is up to the students who vote to decide who is successful.

A manifesto is a public declaration of policy and aims, especially a manifesto that has been issued before an election by a political party or candidate. In the context of Cardiff Met SU elections your manifesto is the document where you get to show your fellow students (the voters) why you’re the best person for the role and what you aim to do on their behalf, if successful. Manifesto guidance will be available to all candidates.


In the context of the SUelections, campaigning is what candidates do to get votes. However it’s not just handing out leaflets! Successful candidates take time to listen and speak to students, find out what the current issues are that are affecting the student experience and what students would like to see from their new officers.

How will this benefit my future career?

As outlined in ‘What roles are available?’, the role of a Cardiff Met SU Sabbatical Officer is a hugely diverse one, and this means that it gives the successful candidate the opportunity to develop a unique set of skills to use in the future.

These skills include:

• Time management
• Organisation
• Leadership
• Project management
• Research
• Public speaking
• Reading and creating high level papers for committee
• Chairing meetings


Yes, but you will need to explore the implications for extending or changing your visa. You should contact the Global Advice team through intstudentadvice@cardiffmet.ac.uk. Please bear in mind you will be responsible for paying any additional costs yourself.


As it is a 35 hour job, with a standard 9-5 day, we cannot be flexible in supporting full-time study alongside this position. You can either pause your studies through a sabbatical, which you can discuss with your course leader OR if you are a final year you can undertake this role as a graduate position.


All SU elections give the option for voters to express their wish that nominations for a role be re-opened. Voting R.O.N is usually taken when voters do not feel any of the candidates offer viable or credible policies.

Should R.O.N win an election, the post would not be filled, and a bi-election would be organised at a further time deemed suitable.

FAQ's by Voters

All Cardiff campus based students who have completed the enrolment process with Cardiff Metropolitan University within this academic year, and have had their details provided to the SU will be deemed as eligible to vote in the SU Election. The MSL database will be deemed as the default membership database for the purposes of the SU elections.

The SU is an independent, student led, democraticly run organisation. The newly elected SU Sabbatical Officers will be the people representing you for the next year, you should have a say in who is representing you at the highest level of the University. Even if you are graduating this year and leaving Cardiff Met, think who would I have liked to represent me this year? Make sure you make your voice heard by voting in the SU Election.

Your vote is unique to you! No one can tell you who to vote for but we can ask you to use your vote wisely. Make sure you take some time to read up on candidates manifesto points, speak to the candidates and make an educated decision when you’re ready.

All SU elections give the option for voters to express their wish that nominations for a role be re-opened. Voting R.O.N is usually taken when voters do not feel any of the candidates offer viable or credible policies.

Should R.O.N win an election, the post would not be filled, and a bi-election would be organised at a further time deemed suitable.


Formal Notice


From Wednesday the 22nd January, you will be able to nominate yourself to Lead Cardiff Met via Cardiffmetsu.com/elections.  

Every year, students elect 2 candidates to take on a full-time paid role, where they can make positive changes for the Cardiff Met University experience, build professional skills and earn upwards of £22,000 during your year in post. 

The roles which are up for grabs are President and Vice President of the SU. Regardless of your experience, our mission as an SU is to equip you with the skills and support you need to achieve your goals.

We offer training on how to write a manifesto and provide an overview of what the roles entail – check out the dates of these training sessions at cardiffmetsu.com/elections  
