Wow, I knew this term would go quickly but I can’t believe quite how quickly! It has been the busiest term ever, thank goodness for the Christmas holidays! Before returning to home in the countryside and enjoying a month of mince pies and mums cooking I thought I’d share a little reflection over the term and how UMAX have been useful.
I have really appreciated UMAX services this term, it’s been new to me, I didn’t recognise these services in my previous year. As well as being a busy term work-wise, it’s been hard in other ways too. Earlier in the term Alison the student advisor at UMAX organised a ‘Mind Your Head’ session, and suggested I went along to it. I had a lot going on, and was pretty much too stressed to think but I made an effort to go. It took a couple of hours out of my uni work day, but I gained some really valuable experience and advice. The mindfulness session helped to recognise the thoughts and feelings in your head and body. We learnt how to come to a state of complete calm and restfulness. It was incredibly helpful. I find it hard to relax in uni life, it seems nothing ever stops and the work load never ends. This session reminded me how important it is to choose your thoughts and keep a healthy perspective. It makes you more able to do what you need to and remain in a semi-sane state! The techniques and routines we learnt to help relax will come in useful in the final term. I definitely recommend going if there is another one!
Another workshop I managed to attend was for Interview Skills. I actually forgot I signed up to it until I received a phone call on the morning. – (The next workshop I’m signed up for is time keeping, I recognise it’s my weakness!) Anyway, the workshop was one I didn’t feel I needed to go to, there were others in the room going to interviews in the next week; I was basically there to fulfil the Met Award criteria. But wow, I feel so glad that I went! Seriously, these workshops are better than you think. Even though I didn’t feel like I needed to attend this workshop, I was hooked on all the incredible advice. All the do’s and don’ts, and funny stories of ridiculous interviews! It was also just a great time meeting other people from different courses, we chatted a lot and the atmosphere was so relaxed and friendly that we didn’t mind the practice interview hot seat. We grilled each other with interview questions and advised what we did well and what we could improve on. There are habits you don’t even realise you have so this was definitely useful!
Don’t forget to make the most out of every opportunity in your time here at uni. There is so much going on and so many people to meet and network with. In relation to UMAX, be encouraged to make the most of the workshops. But also bear in mind the personal services that help you keep your head in the game ;) Merry Christmas!