Blog for the President of the SU Will Fuller
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Cardiff School of Sport Students, 4 weeks down now time to switch the 'think-tanks' back on!
I hope your Christmas and New Year Celebrations were refreshing and enjoyable, and that you are now ready to take on the challenge of this Term 2. Looking at my calendar there seems to be a lot on so here's what we've got to look forward to.. NSS (If you're a 3rd year, check it out!) This week a few lecturers will be pointing you towards filling out the National Students' Survey (NSS) but on Monday 20th the big lauch around campus will begin! There will be a 'hot-stop' in centro where you can pick up a laptop or iPad and fill it out and there will also be people floating around campus with iPads so you can take a 5 min break and fill it out! The NSS allows YOU to have your voice on your whole university experience. The results impact the University and the SU massively, contributing to UK university table rankings and shape how the University runs in the future- so get involved. It is compulsory that every final year student fills out the survey, so we are going to make it easy for you between the 20th and 24th of Jan to fill it out! [When you fill out the NSS, you also enter a prize draw so don't miss out!] Vid-Cam Feedback From Mon 27th, our course reps will be swarming campus to interview you and get your feedback on your university experience! It's all about YOUR VOICE! Christians in Sport! THE ULTIMATE SPORTS QUIZ IS BACK! Although I'm the CSS Rep, I'm also involved in the C.I.S. group at Cardiff Met! On Sunday 9th Feb, we are bringing the Sports Quiz that has consistently had over 100/150 people in previously years to Centro! It starts at 8pm- see you there! Open Mic Night Series Event Numbero 3! Since the last event, I've had a consistent flow of questions asking when the next was going to be! Here it is- Tuesday 11th Feb, 7:30pm, Centro. Both events last term were incredible with up to 10 acts so this one is probably going to be even bigger! See you there! Looks like you need to get your diary out?! I hope this term is a special one for you. Kieran.