Since my last blog only 4 weeks have gone by but I’m sure, if your programme is anything like mine, you’ve been hit by a tidal wave of assessments?! On a positive note, time flies when you’re busy..
The Open Mic Series
Tuesday November 12th saw the return of the Open Mic Series for Event Number 2 and it was class. We had 10 acts performing, providing various genres for our audience of around 100 people! Our acts varied from people studying Sport to Education, to even having someone who doesn’t even study in Cardiff Met join us! At the next event let’s get a representative from every school!
We had a few acts from the last event grace us again with their talent and amongst the new acts there was a very different vibe brought to the stage by one act which many in the audience enjoyed and particularly captured my focus- 4 ladies and 1 fella from the Christian Union Society sang 2 Gospel songs accapella which started the night off in great style.
Rob Jones (SPE Year 3), a member of the Cardiff Met RFC team, had previously sang on Rugby Socials and on the night, finally plucked up the courage to perform live. He had a great backing from his team-mates and friends and walked away with the Cash-pot prize and the crown for the Open Mic Series Event #2.
Don’t you worry, when we come back to term in the new year, we’ll have an Open Mic Night Event #3 so be there!
Do you know your Lead Reps?
If you’re in Year 1, 2 or 3 I’m sure you would have had an email off your newly appointed Lead Reps- if you didn’t receive it, here are their details!:
These guys are chilled and easy to speak to. Drop them an email with anything you’ve like help with or any feedback you’d like to heard by myself (and the S.U.) or CSS staff and they’ll try and make it happen! Get connected to your Lead Rep!
‘Reps hear my feedback but what happens then?’
So, you give your course/lead rep and myself feedback but what happens to it?! Is any action actually taken?!
Yes, we definitely make sure the student voice is heard!
Over the last 4 weeks the following things have happened:
Each year group of Course reps had an informal meeting in Centro to discuss and take note on YOUR feedback.
A week later, myself and the Lead Reps gave reports from all YOUR feedback within the CSS Programme Committee Meeting where all the Programme Directors are present to discuss the progress and development of all the programmes!
Forward the clock on another week from that point, all the Course Reps were invited to a ‘Staff-student Liaison Committee’, here, all the students’ services from around campus are invited and aspects of every angle of student life are discussed!
I appreciate that for students ‘looking in, from the outside’, it might be hard to see where YOUR voice makes a difference but I can assure you that I have walked away from every meeting this term, encouraged, because OUR Student Voice is changing things!
Looking to the Future.. What’s happening?!
Well, today, I’m attending the Dance Committee Meeting. A lot of students have voiced issues over Dance facilities and that will hold a high level of importance in the meeting.
Next Monday (9th), all of the CSS Course Reps will be gathering in Centro to get to know each other better through some random ice-breakers and team building challenges (eating cake- bonus!) and doing some ‘rep business’ through some discussions about different university issues!
Then, of course, we go home, celebrate Christmas, eat loads of food and come back to Term 2 a few pounds heavier!
In Term 2 it’s going to be busy from a rep perspective so you’ll be seeing a lot of your course reps around campus..
The National Student Survey (NSS) will have a massive week (towards the end of Jan) of exposure where students in Third year can feedback on their University experience.
Around that time, your course reps will be coming around campus and interviewing you and getting your feedback about the student experience! We’re also going to have a MOTD/X Factor like ‘Voxbox’ where you can voice your opinions!
As already mentioned, the Open Mic Series will also return!
It’s been a crazy term, a lot has happened and time has flown by!
I’m glad to be a part of this Cardiff School of Sport and I hope you’re enjoying your University Experience!