Posted on Thu 05 Dec 2013 at 15:29 by
Rebecca Sawyer
I'd like to point out now I was never born to be a writer.
So after much persuasion here I am writing a blog so you can see what’s been going on this term.
My first realisation of the role I'd taken on would be when I stood on the stage at the 'W.O.W' event in September a very successful fresher’s event. The next exciting thing we offered this year for fresher’s was trips to experiences in Cardiff, I went down to the bay white water rafting, which although a tad wet was immense fun.
An exciting development for this term is the Completion of the new CSAD building. Now the barriers are down we can see the whole building and in lower floors interior. As a Graphics student I am excited to move in next term albeit temporarily we will get to test the space for the next group of students who will.
The course rep training turn out this year was fantastic and working with everyone that day was thoroughly enjoyable.
One of the big things I’ve been working on this term is helping get music into CSAD, we now have a choir being set up on each campus and sonic Wednesdays. We are hoping to use these to make the big walk from Howard Gardens to Llandaff in February to make the event even more spectacular.
I really feel this years lead reps - 3rd years Catherine Broadhurst, 2nd years Tom Wright and 1st years Kirsten Mark are a great addition to the rep structure, these guys work so hard along side me for you and with the great work of your course reps we are able to make the student voice heard with in CSAD.